
We, at times, are so critical of others and ourselves.

We must stop this and realize that for each of us, life is a unique journey filled with stepping stones, obstacles, detours, valleys, and mountains.

Don’t envy someone else’s journey but concentrate on living your journey to the fullest!

GOD bless.

Featured Entrepreneur: Lynn Huber

1. Briefly describe the business(es) you are running and mission statement of each business.

My husband, Richard, and I are Independent Distributors for SendOutCards, an online Greeting Card & Gift Company.  We are like a virtual greeting card store, where you log into you account and choose your card (we have over 16,000 cards in the card catalog), or you can create your own.  Type in your message, upload any pictures you want, and make your card as custom as you’d like.  Once you click on the “Send Card” button, SendOutCards will print, stuff, lick, stamp and mail your card the very next day and your card will be in the mail to the person you sent it to.  …And for only about $1.00/card.

SendOutCards has a two-fold mission:

1 – To help people to act on their promptings, and

2 – To provide a vehicle for financial freedom for millions of people

You can get more information at http://AmazingCardBiz.com

2. What motivated you to become an entrepreneur?

I actually sort of fell into it by accident.  My husband and I love to Square Dance, and I was running a Square Dance website.  I was just looking for a way to help pay for the site without having to charge admission.  We didn’t really need the money so we left it in the bank, and within 16 months we had enough to pay cash for a brand new car!  That was a wake-up call for us and Richard and I looked at each other and asked, “I wonder what would happen if we really got serious?”  So we got to work, and within 3 years I was able to retire from my day job, and Richard stepped down from grocery store manager to receiving clerk so that he could work “part-time” 40 hours/week and still get benefits.  He “retired” two years later.  J

3. What are the lifestyle advantages to you as an entrepreneur?

Having our own business has first allowed us to become 100% debt-free!  The extra money helped us pay off all our bills within a couple of years.  Our business allows us to work from anywhere with only a laptop and telephone.  We can (and have) worked from a cruise ship.  It has allowed us to move closer to my family so that we could spend more time together, without affecting our income.  We wake up when we’re done sleeping – no longer do we need to be up at 5am to go to work.  We travel 5-6 times a year, and we have the lifestyle many people only dream about!

4. What are some of the pitfalls that an entrepreneur might encounter?

When you work for yourself, you no longer have an employer to set the rules.  In a job you show up and do your work because to not show up can get you in trouble.  It’s very easy to not show up for your own business.  But there are consequences there too.  If you don’t do the work, you won’t make the money.  It’s really easy to get caught up in life and not do the things you need to grow your business.  You need to make the daily choice to move forward and give up all your excuses, habits, and negative thoughts that are slowing you down.  Spend time every day on your personal development to help overcome those things.  Remember that nothing worthwhile is ever easy!

5. What insights or advice do you have for beginning entrepreneurs?

First, get really clear on why you are doing this.  When you are an entrepreneur, the buck stops with you.  Every success or failure is on your shoulders.  If you are really clear about your why, when times get tough that’s what will keep you going.

Second, work your calendar.  Schedule your business – it won’t work itself.  Schedule the times that you will be working your business.  The cool thing is you can also schedule the times you will be spending with your family, or doing the other things you like to do.  As long as you work your calendar consistently, it is easy to have everything you want.

Third, make the decision that you will not quit!  I assume that since you started a business, you already made the decision that this is what you want.  Know that good times and bad times are coming your way.  Some days will be full of elation as you reach your goals, promote to the next level, or sponsor that person that you never thought you would be able to get.  But then again, some days it will feel like nothing is going right.  Make the commitment that you will never quit on a bad day!  Keep yourself in the game and moving forward knowing that tomorrow will be better, and if you still want to quit you can do it then.

Most of the truly successful Distributors keep their business simple, learn the steps needed for success, and teach those steps.  But they also work on personal growth every day of their lives.  After all, your income follows your personal growth.  Make the decision now to be open and coachable and you’ll be well on your way to success.

For more information about how to be successful in business, check out my blog at http://LynnHuber.com.

Favorite Quote:  I have many, but my favorite is…

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.’ We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.  ~Marianne Williamson


Gratitude Continued

I am finding that gratitude, the attitude of thankfulness, is crucial in dealing with the doldrums, the discouragements, and dead-ends that we encounter on our life’s journey. Gratitude expands our perspectives and empowers our perceptions to see the positive. Without gratitude, we would simply burn out and be overcome by despondency because our circumstances are not what we want them to be. With gratitude, our circumstances become stepping stones to our Creator and that drawing nigh to the Creator, releases the thankfulness that was masked with selfishness and questions of “why me?”. I found this lovely blog post called, “A Word of Encouragement: Thanks in the Little Things Lead to the Big Things”. Enjoy the article! GOD bless!



Make Gratitude a Practice, Really


When we think of what we’re thankful for we often think of the light in our lives. Who and what represents the light in your life?

The poet Hafiz writes in his poem “It Felt Love”:

How did the rose
Ever open its heart
And give to this world
All its beauty?
It felt the encouragement of light
Against its being,
We all remain
Too frightened

This is so true. It becomes easier to open up and reveal our own gifts to this world when we feel positive loving encouragement within.

Here is an opportunity to do a practice inspired by this poem that can help us cultivate a sense of gratitude and lovingkindness right now.

Here is short practice to feel that encouragement of light right now (what do you have to lose):

  1. Think of a person or animal who represents light, who represents a loving and kind presence in your life. This can be a good friend who is alive, maybe someone who has passed away, a pet, or maybe a spiritual figure such as the Dalai Lama, Jesus, or even the hand of God. 

  2. Take a moment to imagine that presence here, with you, looking into your eyes. 

  3. Now imagine that person saying to you, “May you be safe and protected from inner and outer harm”, “May you be happy,” “May you be free from fear”, “May you be healthy in body and mind”. You can also create your own wishes and aspirations here. 

  4. Now turn toward that person and say that with the same intention to them. 

  5. Now imagine your family and friends with you (those who you feel difficulty with and those who you feel more ease with) and with intention, saying those same word.

Take a moment to just feel into how you are doing and whatever is there, just letting it be.

I would be willing to bet that if I hooked you up to a brain scanning machine while you did the practice above we’d see a shift in activity to your left prefrontal cortex. What is that associated with? Resiliency.

Gratitude is a practice. May this be a springboard for you to cultivate this sense of gratitude and lovingkindness, which even though it may come with some uncomfortable feelings at times, can be a source of much psychological healing and feelings of well-being.

I deeply thank all of you who have been following the Mindfulness and Psychotherapy blog posts and for interacting below as your posts truly create a living wisdom for us all to benefit from.

Setting Boundaries


Today I had a delightful conversation about setting boundaries and the consequences of crossing one’s boundaries. I also found a very informative article about setting boundaries. The link can be found here.

“We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing. Consequences give us the pain that motivates us to change.”
― Henry Cloud