

“This is what it sounds like when doves cry……even doves have pride” ~~Prince

Once again, I am waiting on my friends to join me in celebrating life. Once again, I am alone with my beer and hoping the phone to ring……


R.I.P. Prince and Joanie Laurer (Chyna)

Photographer:  Frank Lopez and Writer:  Carolyn E. Ford


Writer:  Juan Carlos Cruz and Photographer:  Carolyn E. Ford

I woke up this morning more tired then when I fell asleep
I sleep at night only so my inner demons don’t hear me weep
I’m lost in this reality I created on my own
I’m lost in this world and I’m not alone
I’ve decided to bare this cross by myself
I’ve chosen to atone for the sins of my loved ones alone
I give all I can yet its still not enough
I’ve given up but still act tough

What I’d give to run away
This life I live so fast but at this rate I’m afraid I’ll crash
I’m on the brink of destruction
Yet nowhere near absolution
On the cusp of greatness
Yet my mind is full of restlessness
I could achieve my dreams
I’ve spent my life swimming upstream
Still I feel alone even though my face is readily known
In the end a thousand names known and all the fame in the world is worthless if my heart turns to stone.

~~Juan Carlos Cruz


From the perch of Ravynhed


Once again

Ritual cleansing

Painful reminders

Promises broken

Vows ignored

Scars emerged


Soul dirtied

Mind fragmented

Heart ashes

Dreams tattered

Faith crushed

Painful reminders

Ritual cleansing

Once again



Photographer:  Joe Neely and Writer:  Carolyn E. Ford as Ravyn


Dark One

As your mighty hoofbeats approach me like a reverberating boom from a cannon, I long to be riding bareback upon you, Dark One. Let the night wind whisper to me magically and with its weaving witchery soothe the scorching stabbing sorrow inside my soul.

O Dark One, let me hold on to your masterful mane and fly with you amongst the sageful yet sympathetic stars. Wing me ever closer to your eternal sanctuary where, my sadness could be startled in silent song.

I feel your majestic muscles murmuring their might. From there I find sustenance to greet life oncemore. Underneath your shadowy wings, I will softly sleep.

Fly Dark One, Fly on.


Guest Contributor: Jodi Mayer Huffman

My life’s journey has taken me down a road I could’ve never expected to travel. But it is becoming the most beautiful, loving, fantastic, unexpected twist of my life.

If you’re lucky enough to meet a person who honest to God completes you, embrace them no matter what! Make it work!

I never even thought I was capable of this love that I feel, and now I don’t even know what I would do without it..

A great love is a great love, even if it looks unfamiliar to you at first. Never let it go, and never live with regret just because of change!

See it, feel it, live it! Realize that you have been blessed!!!


Dawn Patterson and Jodi Mayer Huffman



Send in the clowns for when the chaos reign supreme in the merry-go-round that we call life. Walk on the crazy and side of life to celebrate the quiet joy within

~~Carolyn E. Ford.

Kelly Robitaille (photographer) and Carolyn E. Ford (writer).

Work of Kelly Robitaille can be found here.




Collaboration:  Frank Lopez (writer) and Carolyn E. Ford (photographer)

If our actual beliefs are those quiet assumptions upon which we act, then why should it be necessary to try to put our faith into words at all? Why is it not enough to live simply our lives and let both our work/play and ordinary conversation be the expression of our faith?

~~Frank Lopez

