Words/Photography–Carolyn E. Ford


Who am I?

Who am I?

I’m undecided even through I have a wide selection of masks.

I put on so many different masks for different people so I would just fit in and be accepted.

I put on these masks because I wasn’t content to be myself; instead, I wanted to be someone else.

I am a coward because I could not stand up for me as I am.

I was afraid that I would be alone and unaccepted when people saw the real me.

Now my masks are falling apart and with tears streaming noisily down my face, I look in the mirror and find that I lost myself.

I see now that it was a mistake to put on masks and now, I hope it isn’t too late to begin the journey to find the real me.

And in that long arduous journey to find myself,

finally, maybe, and perhaps…

I can find the courage to be just me.
