From the perch of Ravynhed



Letting the shards of my broken soul clatter through my fingers

Picking up each shard and silently grieving all the contained dreams deferred

Unmet expectations glaring with the shade of truth

Fruitless rationalizations spinning like a kaleidoscope

Intentions maligned by judgment of others

Hopes deferred, disappointments, disillusionments that are all colored by the darkness of a crushed dream and dying faith

Trying to crawl and get up one more time more than I have fallen

Faced with the futility that my dreams were just mirages and shadows in the sand

I light a match to cause the shards to be engulfed in flames

As the smoke mixed with my tears, I wait with my head bowed down in defeat

As I open my eyes, I see a single ember in the midst of ashes

A single ember that refused the white flag of surrender

I see hands that are not mine rearrange the shards and at times, break the shards into different shapes

Refining broken shards into something beautiful

Using love to glue the shards in place

You placed my soul in my hands

I stared in wonderment of what You re-created, recycled, and redeemed

You never given up on me and sought me to show forth Your glory

Truly, I am Yours and You are mine



Photographer/Writer is Carolyn E. Ford