From the Perch of Ravynhed


A Better Place

Tracing the rainbow in the midst of the breaking clouds of the storm

Hearing the echo of the thunder in the distance

I found grace in a better place

Clouded eyes cleared

Unfeeling heart softened

Broken dreams made whole

Unmet expectations fulfilled

Chaotic mind stilled

Clenched fists loosened

I found grace in a better place

I found mercy in Your embrace

I found love in Your tears trailed down my face

I found grace in a better place



Photographer is Joe Neely and writer is Carolyn E. Ford


River Dance

Let’s dance on water!

Yes, you!

Don’t delay!

Time is now!

Celebrate life for life is good.

Life is full with good and bad moments.

Let’s celebrate the good and let the bad rest in peace.

Yes, you!

Don’t delay!

Time is now!

Let’s dance on water!



Photographer is Jodi Duplay and writer is Vanessa Leighjodiduplay

The Sun Dance

Hey, guess what you + I are? We are WANTED! We are LOVED! DESIRED! + PURSUED! We are fearfully + wonderfully made. Even more so, we are bought by the highest bid, purchased at the highest price – by selfless grace, no less.

This love is FOREVER. This love is UNCONDITIONAL, which means no return policy or shifty disclaimers. This love is one that is of such unwavering, unshaken, undeniable, breathtaking TRUTH that blocks + defends the lies the enemy + the world tries to tell you. We have the God of angel armies on our side. And God’s saying to you “you’re my girl” or “dude, you GOT THIS.” This love never makes you feel like anything less than the most stunning, skillfully-crafted, pretty thing of all time ever to existed – because YOU ARE just that + then some. This love devastatingly makes you feel + know that you are a TOTAL BABE, so worthy + drenched in beauty, glowing from head to toe + back again, no matter what hurts, scars, past + marks you have on your being.

There is a wild damn symphony playing in TRUTH about you that lifts your spirit so high that you can know true JOY + PEACE no matter the situation or obstacle you face. It’s not wayward; It is ultimate.

And man, if that doesn’t have you dancing like a crazy fool, then I don’t know what will. There is true joy. There is true peace. We are undefeated because the God of the UNIVERSE is on our side – the author + completer of our lives. He is writing our stories, friends. He knows you individually by name. He knows the number of hairs on your head + freckles on your body. Be lit up – from the inside out. Go + breathe this truth today. Let this wave wash over you. You are loved, friends, + there is nothing you can do about it.

~~Vanessa Leigh


From the perch of Ravynhed

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things~~Phillippians 4:8


Blog Relaunch–Carolyn Ford

Welcome! It has been 3 years since I posted in this blog. However, as I deal with issues of chronic pain, insomnia, failed relationships/friendships, and financial difficulties, I realized the need for this blog, Embers of Resiliency. We all get discouraged but what makes a survivor an overcomer is he/she gets up one more time than the times that he/she  has fallen.

I first met Lynn Huber in 2013 when she was in the greeting card business. Even though, I didn’t join her in the greeting card business, I still remain her Facebook friend. I am a writer and I love inspirational/encouraging/supportive/scriptural sayings. Lynn is an premier authority and resource of such sayings. I constantly share her sayings on my Facebook timeline. I interviewed Lynn in 2013 and I am privileged to interview her again in 2016. Lynn is no longer in the greeting card business but rather, is an entrepreneur in the area of alternative health. I am proud to say that I am a wellness consultant under her leadership. So, read on and learn what an outstanding woman Lynn Huber is!


Featured Entrepreneur–Lynn Huber


  1. Briefly describe the business(es) you are running and mission statement of each business.

My husband, Richard, and I are Wellness Consultants for doTERRA Essential Oils. We love that we have the ability to help people physically, emotionally, and financially with our amazing products. We are proud that doTERRA’s essential oils are CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade), so we know that we are offering the highest quality, purest oils available.

Every day we find more ways to use the Essential Oils, and every day they become more of a blessing to our family. And the stories of our customers and other Wellness Consultants make it all worthwhile. I LOVE how our products are a blessing in so many people’s lives.

Our products, paired with your energy, will help you lead a healthier, more prosperous life, and will help you improve your life and the lives of your friends and family.

You can get more information at

  1. What motivated you to become an entrepreneur?

I actually sort of fell into it by accident.  My husband and I love to Square Dance, and I was running a Square Dance website.  I was just looking for a way to help pay for the site without having to charge admission.  We didn’t really need the money so we left it in the bank, and within 16 months we had enough to pay cash for a brand new car!  That was a wake-up call for us and Richard and I looked at each other and asked, “I wonder what would happen if we really got serious?”  So we got to work, and within 3 years I was able to retire from my day job, and Richard stepped down from grocery store manager to receiving clerk so that he could work “part-time” 40 hours/week and still get benefits.  He “retired” two years later.  J

  1. What are the lifestyle advantages to you as an entrepreneur?

Having our own business has first allowed us to become 100% debt-free!  The extra money helped us pay off all our bills within a couple of years.  Our business allows us to work from anywhere with only a laptop and telephone.  We can (and have) worked from a cruise ship.  It has allowed us to move closer to my family so that we could spend more time together, without affecting our income.  We wake up when we’re done sleeping – no longer do we need to be up at 5am to go to work.  We travel 5-6 times a year, and we have the lifestyle many people only dream about!

  1. What are some of the pitfalls that an entrepreneur might encounter?

When you work for yourself, you no longer have an employer to set the rules.  In a job you show up and do your work because to not show up can get you in trouble.  It’s very easy to not show up for your own business.  But there are consequences there too.  If you don’t do the work, you won’t make the money.  It’s really easy to get caught up in life and not do the things you need to grow your business.  You need to make the daily choice to move forward and give up all your excuses, habits, and negative thoughts that are slowing you down.  Spend time every day on your personal development to help overcome those things.  Remember that nothing worthwhile is ever easy!

  1. What insights or advice do you have for beginning entrepreneurs?

First, get really clear on why you are doing this.  When you are an entrepreneur, the buck stops with you.  Every success or failure is on your shoulders.  If you are really clear about your why, when times get tough that’s what will keep you going.

Second, work your calendar.  Schedule your business – it won’t work itself.  Schedule the times that you will be working your business.  The cool thing is you can also schedule the times you will be spending with your family, or doing the other things you like to do.  As long as you work your calendar consistently, it is easy to have everything you want.

Third, make the decision that you will not quit!  I assume that since you started a business, you already made the decision that this is what you want.  Know that good times and bad times are coming your way.  Some days will be full of elation as you reach your goals, promote to the next level, or sponsor that person that you never thought you would be able to get.  But then again, some days it will feel like nothing is going right.  Make the commitment that you will never quit on a bad day!  Keep yourself in the game and moving forward knowing that tomorrow will be better, and if you still want to quit you can do it then.

Most of the truly successful Distributors keep their business simple, learn the steps needed for success, and teach those steps.  But they also work on personal growth every day of their lives.  After all, your income follows your personal growth.  Make the decision now to be open and coachable and you’ll be well on your way to success.

For more information about how to be successful in business, check out my blog at

Favorite Quote:  I have many, but my favorite is…

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.’ We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.  ~Marianne Williamson



We, at times, are so critical of others and ourselves.

We must stop this and realize that for each of us, life is a unique journey filled with stepping stones, obstacles, detours, valleys, and mountains.

Don’t envy someone else’s journey but concentrate on living your journey to the fullest!

GOD bless.

Featured Entrepreneur: Lynn Huber

1. Briefly describe the business(es) you are running and mission statement of each business.

My husband, Richard, and I are Independent Distributors for SendOutCards, an online Greeting Card & Gift Company.  We are like a virtual greeting card store, where you log into you account and choose your card (we have over 16,000 cards in the card catalog), or you can create your own.  Type in your message, upload any pictures you want, and make your card as custom as you’d like.  Once you click on the “Send Card” button, SendOutCards will print, stuff, lick, stamp and mail your card the very next day and your card will be in the mail to the person you sent it to.  …And for only about $1.00/card.

SendOutCards has a two-fold mission:

1 – To help people to act on their promptings, and

2 – To provide a vehicle for financial freedom for millions of people

You can get more information at

2. What motivated you to become an entrepreneur?

I actually sort of fell into it by accident.  My husband and I love to Square Dance, and I was running a Square Dance website.  I was just looking for a way to help pay for the site without having to charge admission.  We didn’t really need the money so we left it in the bank, and within 16 months we had enough to pay cash for a brand new car!  That was a wake-up call for us and Richard and I looked at each other and asked, “I wonder what would happen if we really got serious?”  So we got to work, and within 3 years I was able to retire from my day job, and Richard stepped down from grocery store manager to receiving clerk so that he could work “part-time” 40 hours/week and still get benefits.  He “retired” two years later.  J

3. What are the lifestyle advantages to you as an entrepreneur?

Having our own business has first allowed us to become 100% debt-free!  The extra money helped us pay off all our bills within a couple of years.  Our business allows us to work from anywhere with only a laptop and telephone.  We can (and have) worked from a cruise ship.  It has allowed us to move closer to my family so that we could spend more time together, without affecting our income.  We wake up when we’re done sleeping – no longer do we need to be up at 5am to go to work.  We travel 5-6 times a year, and we have the lifestyle many people only dream about!

4. What are some of the pitfalls that an entrepreneur might encounter?

When you work for yourself, you no longer have an employer to set the rules.  In a job you show up and do your work because to not show up can get you in trouble.  It’s very easy to not show up for your own business.  But there are consequences there too.  If you don’t do the work, you won’t make the money.  It’s really easy to get caught up in life and not do the things you need to grow your business.  You need to make the daily choice to move forward and give up all your excuses, habits, and negative thoughts that are slowing you down.  Spend time every day on your personal development to help overcome those things.  Remember that nothing worthwhile is ever easy!

5. What insights or advice do you have for beginning entrepreneurs?

First, get really clear on why you are doing this.  When you are an entrepreneur, the buck stops with you.  Every success or failure is on your shoulders.  If you are really clear about your why, when times get tough that’s what will keep you going.

Second, work your calendar.  Schedule your business – it won’t work itself.  Schedule the times that you will be working your business.  The cool thing is you can also schedule the times you will be spending with your family, or doing the other things you like to do.  As long as you work your calendar consistently, it is easy to have everything you want.

Third, make the decision that you will not quit!  I assume that since you started a business, you already made the decision that this is what you want.  Know that good times and bad times are coming your way.  Some days will be full of elation as you reach your goals, promote to the next level, or sponsor that person that you never thought you would be able to get.  But then again, some days it will feel like nothing is going right.  Make the commitment that you will never quit on a bad day!  Keep yourself in the game and moving forward knowing that tomorrow will be better, and if you still want to quit you can do it then.

Most of the truly successful Distributors keep their business simple, learn the steps needed for success, and teach those steps.  But they also work on personal growth every day of their lives.  After all, your income follows your personal growth.  Make the decision now to be open and coachable and you’ll be well on your way to success.

For more information about how to be successful in business, check out my blog at

Favorite Quote:  I have many, but my favorite is…

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.’ We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.  ~Marianne Williamson